Home Overview Rules Records Uniforms Lessons Teachers Students


Welcome to the web site for the Irc Channel School of O.

School of O is a combination roleplay and learning channel centered on being similar to a boarding school for girls. It ties to the Story of O, as girls are taught to serve Men and Ladies as the Instructor desires. As a school, there are lessons that Dom's give, records are kept, and uniforms are required. Lessons can include schoolwork, cooking, serving, bdsm, sexual acts, or any task or skill that would make them desirable subs, slaves, pets, girls, sluts, etc. The School is a vast Campus. It has a main building that has a large class room, teacher offices, the Medical center, kitchen and dining rooms on the first floor, small bedrooms are upstairs, and the dungeon and Isolation rooms downstairs. The grounds are vast with stables, pens, fields and corrals to teach and train, and anything else the Instructors or girls need for training.

The School is firm, strict, demanding, caring. We are formal D/s, not Gorean.

About School-of-O

Overview and Basics - School of O Overview
Rules - School of O Rules
Records - School of O Records

New to the Room


  1. Address the Teachers properly as Sir, Ma`am, Mr, Mrs or as told by the Instructor
  2. Greet Teachers when They enter, if not busy with a Task
  3. Ask Teachers for a uniform, assistance setting your description, and an overview of the School
  4. Have permission when leaving the main room (i.e. go to the restroom, library, dorms, etc)
  5. Serve within your limits. Put them on your descriptions to prevent issues, if you haven't set one, politely pm them when a scene may be starting
  6. When/If unsure of something ASK


  1. Participate. Start with setting a description, then giving lessons and physicals, recording the results. See TheCommander - !helpdescription
  2. Review the Lessons and their aids. Lessons
  3. Teach lessons You are comfortable with and record the grades.
  4. Verify limits of the students. These should be on their Transcripts.
  5. Give Physicals and record them (!physicaldone nick).
  6. Give awards (stars and demerits) as deserved
  7. In the room, treat it as a school. Enforce proper behavior and honorifics. Punish when deserved.
  8. The is intended to be Fun and Informative. Some lessons like BDSM01, BDSM01, and SPEECH are lecture/QA and not just Fun. These are critical lessons for new students. See the Sample Tests for question ideas.
  9. When/If unsure of something ASK


IRC Sites and Client Connection Information - IRC Sites and Client Connection Information
IRC Nicks - IRC Nick Commands
IRC Basic Commands - IRC Basic Commands
School-Of-O Bot Commands - School of O Bot Command Summary

Curriculum, Staff and students

Lessons - School of O Lessons
Uniform - School of O Uniform
Teachers - School of O Teachers
students - School of O Students

Training Aids

BDsM - School of O BDsM Overview
Protocol - School of O Protocol
Positions - School of O Positions
Serving - School of O Serving
Spankings - School of O Spankings